K nam prihaja litvanska skupina AWAKENING SUN. Igrajo energično mešanico groovy-ja, progressive-a in melodičnega death metal-a. Poleg njih bodo nastopili še obalni death/trash metalci INCARNATED in domači metalski mladci DEHROTOM.
Awakening sun was set up by a guitarist, a lyricist, the main composer, the frontman and band producer Ernestas in spring 2011. Different musicians had replaced each other, until the final cast was formed: Ernestas Skripkiūnas (vocals/ lead guitar), Nick Hartland (drums), Arnas Smičius (rhythm guitar), Povilas Laurinaitis (bass guitar).
In Autumn 2011 the band recorded their first album “SOLD OUT”. Their album has been distributed worldwide on iTunes and Amazon. On the 12th of March 2012 the band released their first music video and it was taken to the Blank TV, FPE TV, UVTV and many others.
After releasing the debut album, the band started touring in Lithuania and on September (2012) had a tour in Poland.
On the 5th of September 2012 the band released new song “In The Clouds Of Dust” from upcoming album!
On the 2nd of March ( 2013) the band won “Best Lithuanian Metal Band 2012” – T.Ė.T.Ė Awards 2013!
FB: http://facebook.com/awakeningsun
Incarnated so metal bend s Kopra. Bend preigrava avtorsko glasbo z angleškimi besedili, ki temelji na Thrash / Death metalu, z raznimi pridihi drugih zvrsti metala. Zgodba Incarnated se je pričela spomladi leta 2012, ko so se prvič na vajah zbrali Luka, Marko in Andrej ter pričeli z ustvarjanjem avtorske glasbe. Po menjavah nekaj pevcev in basistov sta v bend prišla še Aleš na vokalu in Ivan na basu in izpopolnila iskani zvok benda. Člani banda so za mnoge že stari obraziobalne glasbene scene saj so pred ustanovitvijo tega benda igrali pri skupinah kot so: Hiram, Revolver, Root ‘a balluta, Cannibal family, Žižolath ipd. Trenutno je v teku snemanje prvega ploščka, ki naj bil zaključen jeseni.
FB: http://facebook.com/incarnatedband
Dehrotom so tričlanska skupina iz Sežane. Člani v bendu so že od majhih nog prijatelji in poslušajo podobno glasbo, kar ustvarja njihovo mešanico punka/thrasha. Za seboj imajo že nekaj koncertov po klubih in festivalih. Igrajo nekaj coverjev, čeprav se jim zadnje čase nabira tudi kar nekaj lastnega materjala.
Jernej – kitara
Tadej – bas kitara/vokal
Valentin – bobni