Black Pope (IT), Modern Delusion (HR)


Zadnji novembrski dan bomo v Podlagi gostili tržaške Black Pope in zagrebške Modern Delusion. Obeta se nam močen večer na osnovi rocka s primesmi iz vseh vetrov.

Black Pope is a rock metal band from Trieste, Italy. They formed in 2009. Influenced by Spinal Tap, Tenacious D and Pantera, their sound is a mix of rock and metal, from classic rock to extreme metal. After testing their sound with some live shows, in January 2010 Black Pope recorded their first self produced EP, “Habemus Papam Nigrum” and started touring in Italy (Gloomy Day Festival, Sammardenchia Rock, Metal Fragola), in Slovenia and Croatia (opening act for MASTODON). One of these shows became a live album, “The Live We Can’t Play”. The song “The Ghost In Me” appears on Metal Wave Vol 3 (Nov 2010) and Rock Hard Magazine Explosion Vol 2 (Apr 2011). The Song “Goddamn 16” appears on Metal Warriors compilation (Aug 2011). In December 2012 they released the EP “Black Pipe”. The song “Black Pipe” appears on Trieste Rock City (Kornalcielo, 2013). In June 2013 they released the album “St. Rock”.

Modern Delusion so nov band na zagrebški sceni. Člani z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami iz underground garažnih bendov delujejo pod vodstvom Gorana Lautarja (ex Babies, Dykemann Family) in igrajo mešanico post punka in garažnega punka.  Pokazali bodo kako stvarem strežejo na južni strani meje.

Dirt Sleeze – drums
Darija Turina – synth / vocals
Goran Lautar – guitar /vocals